MUNUC2023 | Embarking on the journey of lifelong learning
2023-12-19 16:57:31 作者 / 上外附中


At 4:30 pm, December 14th, the opening ceremony of the “MUNUC-SFLS 2023” Model United Nations Conference was held at the art hall of SFLS and broadcasted live in the multifunctional hall.




Principal of Shanghai Foreign Language School Mr. Du Yuehua, Deputy Party Secretary of Shanghai Foreign Language School Mrs. Lin Jiong, Vice Principal of Shanghai Foreign Language School Mrs. Yue Lan, as well as other school officials all attended the ceremony. In the meantime, the Secretary General from the University of Chicago Christine Jonglertham, Director GeneralPascual Goldin, CEO of WELAND International Mr. Cao Shuye, and chairs, secretariats, and student secretariat members were present at the opening ceremony. Moreover, around 500 delegates coming from all over China have participated in this ceremony.

出席本次开幕式的校领导有校长杜越华,副书记林炯,副校长岳岚等;到场的来宾还有MUNUC-SFLS 2023模拟联合国大会秘书长Christine Jonglertham ,主席团指导 Pascual Goldin,蔚蓝国际首席执行官曹疏野。此外,来自全国各地的500余名代表见证了这一重要活动的开幕。



Student MCs, Gong Xishuo and Huang Yigao expressed great enthusiasm and most sincere welcome to delegates and chairs that have come a long way for this grand event. The MUNUC-SFLS 2023trailer was played after everyone has settled down. The video introduced committee directors and members of the secretariat. Members from the University of Chicago expressed their wishes for the SFLS 60th anniversary in the recording. After the brief introduction, Principal of SFLS, Mr. Du Yuehua made his opening address. Wang Ziyan, a core member of the SFLS MUN Club interpreted for this address. Mr. Du highlighted the role of teenagers during the prosperous, fast-developing age of China. Quoting President XI, he indicated that the Z-Generation is born to be the witnesses of history and changers of the world. Mr. Du called for our youth to shoulder responsibilities, embrace peaks and troughs, and cultivate global vision. In the coming days of conference, Mr. Du looks forward to delegates’ wisdom, determination, and collaboration.  He delivered utmost gratitude to staff behind the scene, and hoped that the conference will resolve in great success.




Following, Secretary General Cristine Jonglertham delivered her keynote speech. She appreciated the dedication and gratitude to all staff contributing to making MUNUC-SFLS happen, and valued the partnership of UChicago and WEMUN, devoting passion to ensure diversity of conference. She stated that MUNUC prioritizes individuality to delegation, in which multi-skill development and collaboration should be the key to prevent all atrocities from happening in the future. Ms. Jonglertham encouraged the delegates to approach to issues from all perspectives, aim to step out from their comfort zones, fight for a gateway of pursuit of advocacy for oneself. She also highlighted the significance of balancing self-recognition, self-awareness, and other awareness, specifically, having empathy, and respecting different cultures. “Conference isn’t an exam”, finishing off her speech, she furthered on the idea of becoming our own best advocates, self reflecting on feedback from DAIS, and understanding others as well as ourselves.

Ms. Jonglertham then introduced the directors of each committee to the delegates. The Chairs all came from different backgrounds, but each have a special interest and devotion to certain field of study and Model United Nations.

随后,秘书长 Christine Jonglertham女士发表致辞,并介绍秘书处及主席成员。她衷心感谢所有工作人员和教育工作者的奉献精神,感激他们为会议的成功召开所作出的卓越贡献。同时,她高度赞扬芝加哥大学与蔚蓝国际模拟联合国的密切合作,为确保会议的多元性贡献了热忱。她提到,大会敦促与会者先考虑自身,再考虑代表身份,以此来培养出未来优秀的合作者和谈判者们, 从而形成一个理性而和谐的国际社会。模拟联合国会议不仅仅是为外交或国际关系职业做准备,而是旨在培养协作精神,强调同理心、自我认可、自我意识和他人意识。秘书长鼓励代表们在自我反思与学习的过程中,在理解他人的同时也理解自己,成为全面发展的人才。


秘书长Christine Jonglertham女士致辞

Afterwards, Principal Mr. Du, Secretary General Ms. Jonglertham and WELAND International chief executive officer Mr. Cao jointly declared the opening of this conference.




In the next 4 days, delegates will embark on their journey of discussion within 7 committees. We sincerely hope that all delegates can enjoy the conference, and that MUNUC-SFLS 2023 will be a memorable MUN experience for everyone.



Script | Xiaohan Lin, Xinglin Wang (MPC)

Editing | Hongshan Duan (WELAND), Xuelian Wang(SFLS)

Formatting | Xiaohan Lin, Jing Wang(SFLS Press Corp.) 

Photography | Yang Li (SFLS)

撰稿 | 王星霖 林小涵 (上外附中媒体团)

编审 | 段泓杉 (蔚蓝国际)  汪雪莲 (上外附中模联社团) 

排版 | 林小涵 王静(上外附中媒体团)

摄影 | 李杨 (上外附中)