2018-04-09 19:15:51


SFLSID Is Now Officially an IB World School

Fully Authorized to Deliver IB Diploma Programme Starting September 2018


“I am pleased to inform you that your school has been authorized.” (我非常高兴地通知贵校已获IBDP授权。)



On April5th,2018, Shanghai Foreign Language School International Division (SFLSID) was notified by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) that it has successfully passed the final verification and been authorized to deliver Diploma Programme.


2016年7月,上外附中国际部申请成为IB候选学校。2017年9月,我校迎来IBO授权复评,得到IBO指定专家的肯定和建议。2018年3月,我校以最快速度进入IBO终极评估程序。前后两次访问,通过全面审查学校设施设备、DP课程发展规划及学校政策等内容,以及与我校领导、管理层、中英教师团队、IB首批学生及家长数十人次的分别会谈, 三位来自IBO的专家对学校领导和老师们的授权准备工作给予了高度评价。

In July 2016, SFLSID applied for IB candidacy. In September 2017, SFLSID went through the consultation visit and received positive feedback and recommendations from IBO experts. SFLSID then pursued an accelerated authorization timeline and received the final verification visit by IBO experts in March 2018. The three IBO experienced educators spoke highly of SFLSID preparation for the authorization after they had met with different members of the school community (head of SFLSID, SFLSID management team, IB coordinator, IB teachers, first group of potential IBDP students and their parents), evaluated the school facilities, observed classes, and checked DP curriculum construction and the related 5 main policies during the two visits.



The acquisition of the IBO authorization in less than two years is totally attributed to SFLS’s rich experience in international education, first-class teaching facilities, full commitment from leadership team, hard work of faculty and staff involved, outstanding performance of each and every student from the pre-DP class, and active cooperation from their parents.



Upon its establishment in 1999, SFLSID, following SFLS mission and unique academic rigor, has integrated leading educational philosophy and curriculums worldwide and provided targeted curriculums to students of various needs for future education. DP will furnish students with premium international education resources, help students to excel in their studies and in their personal development, and offer them the best preparation for university studies and life beyond.

我校也是IB中学项目候选学校,正在为IB MYP项目授权做准备。目前我校6、7年级已全面开设MYP课程。上外附中国际部的步伐将会不断前行,我们也将会在IB世界学校的道路上走得更加稳健和长久。

Meanwhile, SFLSID is a candidate of IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) preparing for IBO authorization. Currently, SFLSID offers complete MYP curriculum to students of Grades 6&7. Being an IBDP World School, SFLSID has become part of a community of educators and will be growing and developing constantly.