2018-03-01 10:05:42 作者 / Admission Office 来源 / SFLSID


Tongbu Class



The International Division of Shanghai Foreign Language School (SFLS) Affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University is among the first international divisions approved by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. We introduce and absorb advanced educational ideas from abroad, integrate existing high-quality educational resources of SFLS, and insist on our distinctive way of incorporating “national spirit and international perspective” in curricula design.

Tongbu Class of International Division adheres to the idea of “paralleled objective, paralleled teaching and learning, paralleled management, and paralleled outreach activities.” It provides students with the same high-quality education resources as provided for our SFLS local students, and offers the same core courses, teaching materials, faculties, activities and standards as required in Local Division so that students can follow the academic rigor as well as consolidate their knowledge foundation.



Paralleled Features Tailored for Chinese Students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and abroad


1.   与本部同一师资,共得一流名校名师教诲。

2.   核心课程的教材、教学模式、教学要求、测验评估与本部保持一致。

Paralleled Teaching:

1. Students enjoy the teaching staff of Local Division.

2. Students enjoy the same learning materials, approach, expectation and assessment as are expected in Local Division.


1.   道德品行、行为操守等学生管理要求与本部一致。

2.   每月向家长提供学生在校表现的综合评价表,以便家长及时了解学生在校情况。

Paralleled Management:

1. Students‘ codes of conduct are consistent with those required in Local Division.

2. Every month parents will receive comprehensive evaluation results and they will know promptly about students’ performance at school.


1.   年级大型活动与本部保持同步。

2.   研究性、拓展型课程与本部相同。

Paralleled Outreach Activities:

1. Students have the opportunities to participate in major annual events at SFLS, such as International Cultural Festival.

2. Students have the opportunities to enroll in research and extra-curricular courses offered by Local Division.



1.   七年一贯制的基础教育与本部保持同步。

2.   升入高中后根据学生不同的升学方向进行升学指导,满足学生多元化的升学要求。

Paralleled Higher Education:

1. Basic education of seven-year system is consistent with that of Local Division.

2.Upon high school entrance, university guidance will be offered according to students’ different directions of future studies in order to meet their diverse needs.


1.   特色的“+1”课程和荣誉生课程。同时根据学生实际需求,提供核心课程的课后辅导。

2.   有需求、并具备一定学习能力的学生可申请英语以外的另一门语言的学习课程。

Special Resources:

1. We offer distinctive “+1” courses and honor-student courses. After-school tutoring of core curriculum is also provided to meet students’ special needs.

2. Students, with sound learning capacity, can apply for a second foreign language course in addition to English. Upon graduation, tailored placement counseling will be offered according to students’ different academic plans.


Featured Curricula and Activities of Tongbu Class



1.   参与上外附中“模拟联合国”、“数学建模”等成熟的课程体系,在资优生团队中享受精英式培养。

2.   专设“英语数学”、“英语读写”等特色“+1”课程。

Diverse Elite Courses:

1. Students have the chance to participate in highly-developed activities such as SFLS “Model United Nations” and mathematical modeling, and enjoy the company of gifted-student teams.

2. Students have access to special “+1” courses such as “English mathematics” and “English reading and writing”.



1.   古琴、二胡、国画、书法、剪纸等选修课程,提高艺术修养。

2.   法、德、日、俄、西等多语种语言选修培养多语人才。

Selective Courses related to Chinese and foreign cultures:

1. We offer selective courses on traditional Chinese culture including Guqin, Erhu, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy and paper cutting.

2. We also offer selective language courses such as French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.



1.   可针对个别学生情况开展小班化或个人辅导。

2.   可针对个人升学目标编入相应课程班级。

Individualized Courses:

1. We offer small-size class teaching or individual tutoring catering to individual needs.

2. Students could transfer into classes based on their academic competence.


1.   学业优秀的学生,可申请更适合自己的高阶段课程。

2.   培养具备“二语者”条件(汉语以及一门外语皆为母语水平或具相应水平)的国际学生。

Honor Student Courses:

1. Students with academic excellence can apply for higher level courses.

2. We aim to prepare students for international stage by equipping them with bilingual capabilities (whose Chinese and another language are both of native or qualified level).



1.   在教师的指导下成立俱乐部,定期活动并参加校际联赛。

2.   学校每年举行“国际文化节”、“民族魂”、“体育运动周”等大型校园文化系列活动,是学生进行外语交流、才艺展示的舞台。

3.   特色的文化行走活动,围绕“古镇品韵”、“名家探访”、“文化寻源”等主题,通融语言与文学、社会与科学等学科的课堂学习,通过实地造访使学生从多角度认识美丽中国。

4.   初三年级及高二年级赴欧美国家进行两周左右的研修活动。

Extracurricular Activities:

1. We encourage students to found societies under teachers’ instruction, carry out regular activities and join inter-school competitions.

2. Every year, there are large-scale events such as “International Cultural Festival”, “National Spirit” and “Sports Week”, when students can communicate by using foreign languages and show their talents.

3. Focusing on the themes of “savoring the appeal of ancient towns”, “seeking and visiting masters” and “searching for cultural origins”, our field trips bridge classroom learning in language and literature, society and science and other subjects with practical experiences to help students appreciate beautiful China from multiple perspectives.

4. Study abroad programs are offered to students in Grade 9 and Grade 11 respectively.